
Retail Price

RM 50.00 (WM) | RM 50.00 (EM)

Product Code: 90363


Start transforming and create opportunities for a better life


“To conquer the world, you must first conquer yourself”


Datuk Prof. Dr Alan Wong Kwai Hua is widely recognized as an individual who has reached the peak of self-actualization.


He has won a string of accolades, including the Stevie Award in Wellness & Health by the American Business Awards Organization and the European Award for Best Practices by European Society for Quality Research. He has also been conferred a Justice of the Peace by Malaysian state government of Melaka.


"A human may not be able to change the world, but he can make the world a better place through education."


Yet, things weren’t always that easy. In his youth, he faced many trials and challenges, starting from very humble beginnings.


At the age of 19, he left his tiny village of Labu and to work in the big city of Kuala Lumpur. He endured and persevered through hard times to achieve his dream - that he would become successful enough to be able to help others overcome the numerous challenges he had done.


That dream has come true many times over. He has became one of the outstanding CEOs in the Asia, an entrepreneur of multinational companies, he has absolutely transformed his life.


He is not only a successful entrepreneur but also a social enterprise investor, philanthropist, educator and dream practitioner. He has been bestowed a Datuk-ship, been made a Justice of the Peace, and earned a Doctorate in Philosophy (PhD) and a Professorship.


His outstanding achievements is not only a sterling example of self-enrichment, but also a springboard to his philanthropy and worthy contributions to the society.


These days, he choose to focus on helping his business partners transform. He has successfully trained and mentored thousands of people from different backgrounds to become successful entrepreneurs themselves.


Transformation is a fascinating and complex process in our lives. Everyone can transform, but just hasn't the courage or recognise their ability to do so.


Datuk Prof. Dr Alan Wong Kwai Hua’s life story and his experiences will inspire you to redefine success, discover your value, and live a better life!

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